Council Minutes

Lincoln, Illinois

April 4, 2011


Minutes of a regular City Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Lincoln,

IL, on Monday, April 4, 2011.


Mayor Snyder called the regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. City Clerk Mrs.

Martinek called the roll. There were nine Aldermen present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman

Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman

O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert) and one absent (Alderman Busby).

Also present were Fire Chief Miller, Safety Building and Zoning Officer Mr. Lebegue, Street

Superintendent Mr. Jackson, and Police Chief Greenslate. Also present were City Treasurer

Mr. Conzo, City Clerk Mrs. Martinek, Mayor Snyder, City Attorney Mr. Bates, and Recording

Secretary Mrs. Riggs.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Public Participation:


Mayor Snyder said that Mr. Chuck Fricke and Mrs. Mary Shattuck were present for the

Resolution naming April 9, 2011 at Bob Shattuck Day. He asked City Clerk Mrs. Martinek to

read the Resolution.


City Clerk Mrs. Martinek read the Resolution. Mayor Snyder said they would move into the

Consent Agenda to pass the Consent Agenda and then he would have Mr. Fricke and Mrs.

Shattuck come up.


Mayor Snyder called for the Consent Agenda:


Approve minutes of the March 7, 2011City Council meeting

Payment of bills

Petition by Frontier Mutual Insurance Company requesting to block Decatur Street from

S. Kickapoo Street East to their driveway at 305 Decatur Street for their 125th Anniversary

celebration April 18, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (subject to proof of insurance).

Petition by Main Street Lincoln to block streets at the corners of McLean/Pulaski and Pulaski/

Kickapoo for the LCHS Grand March on April 30, 2011 (subject to proof of insurance)

Petition by Main Street Lincoln to place 12 hanging flower baskets on the light poles around the

Courthouse Square Historic District

Resolution #2011-234 naming April 9, 2011 Bob Shattuck Day


Alderman Anderson moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented and Alderman Horn

seconded it. Mayor Snyder asked if there was any discussion. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called

the roll call. There were nine yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon,

Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman

Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and one absent (Alderman Busby); motion carried.


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Consent Agenda


Mr. Fricke said he appreciated their time in this. His golfing buddies of which I consist of one

so he speaks for them and they call themselves the Walkers. They get up at 7:00 and play golf

on Saturday morning and we walk and we do the brisk 9 holes and have breakfast. They have

developed a great strong friendship for many years by doing that. He said that Mrs. Shattuck

was here tonight if they had any questions for her regarding Mr. Shattuck himself but he was

here to talk about the fundraiser they are doing its called Comedy for a Cause. It will be at the

Lincoln Banquet Center which is the Thunderfoot behind the Super 8 Hotel on Saturday. They

have a live auction and silent auctions. Some of the live auctions that they have are a trip for 2 to

Canada with a guide leaving Lincoln going to Minneapolis and then on to Lake Savant which is

200 miles of Canadian Wilderness fishing and the only way to get there is to fly in. Only God

and your partner are going to see you there. The second one is a flight to St. Louis from Lincoln

Airport and you will be picked up and taken to dinner and then flown around St. Louis before

you leave so that you can see the city. Another one is J. H. Petty & Associates, where Mr.

Shattuck works his wife Sarah has a photography place and one of the ladies is going to

contribute a 24 X 30 custom digital hand painted canvas photograph for a family valued at

$3,300.00. These are the things that people around here have donated and just a few of the items

and they have over 50 merchants here in town that have donated anywhere from $100.00 to

$500.00 in other prizes and things we have solicited and they have been able to help. Mr. &

Mrs. Dave Bender have just gotten back from Las Vegas and he acquired a Dick Butkus #51

jersey signed and you get the photograph of him signing it in front of Dave Bender and there will

be a football signed by Dick Butkus. If you are a Chicago Bears fan and you’re interested in that

please be present. Lincoln College the home of the Lincoln Lynx champions are donating 2

season tickets to their ball games. They have had a lot of interest as you can see in Lincoln and

the surrounding areas because Mr. Shattuck has as you mentioned in the report tonight how he

affected the citizens and the work he has done here in the city. If you need information about

some of the other items you can contact him, Bob Combs, Doug Rader, and Doug Muck are a

few of the other members of the committee that they are meeting right now and he took off to

bring Mrs. Shattuck up here and going back for the meeting.


Mrs. Shattuck said Bob has been fighting this battle for almost 2 years now. Right now he is at

this alternative treatment center and insurance is not paying for any of this. We are hoping this is

our last ditch effort to have him go there and heal naturally and it is between him and God. She

is not even allowed to see him for two weeks and he has to stay there 4-6 weeks so it has been

very hard this first week. At least when you go on vacation you allowed to talk to your spouse

so it has been hard. She appreciated everyone’s help.


Mayor Snyder gave Mrs. Shattuck a copy of the Resolution. She knew the city has appreciated

all his work and he knew that Alderman Tibbs had particularly worked with him. We thank him

for that work and hope that Saturday goes great and thanked Mr. Fricke and his helpers.


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Approval of any items removed from the Consent Agenda

There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda.




Petition to block Kickapoo from Broadway to Pulaski Street for the Civil War Statue dedication

on April 9, 2011 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (subject to proof of insurance)


City Treasurer Mr. Conzo said the petition needed to be amended to just ban parking on the East

side of Kickapoo Street which is the courthouse side rather than closing the street from 12:30

p.m. to 3:30 p.m. They have their insurance certificate.


Alderman Hoinacki made a motion to approve the petition for the street closure of just the

parking spaces on the East side of Kickapoo Street between Pulaski and Broadway and

Alderman Tibbs seconded it. Mayor Snyder said any discussion about this.


Mr. Conzo said if you haven’t seen the statue since it has arrived and installed earlier today and

it was really something to see. It will be about an hour and hoped everyone could come. It starts

at 2:00 p.m.


City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were nine yeas (Alderman Anderson,

Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel,

Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and one absent

(Alderman Busby); motion carried.


Ordinances and Resolutions

There were no Ordinances or Resolutions to come before the City Council.


Unfinished Business:

There was no Unfinished Business to come before the City Council.


New Business/Communications:


Electrical Provider Contract


Mr. Tackett said as of today Mr. Bates has the renewal language in contract our extension for

Mid America Company. Today’s prices were just a fraction higher than what they were last

Tuesday. The market has stabilized a little and in comparing prices with other companies Mid

America is still slightly a fraction lower than the rest of them. His recommendation is that they

move forward and renew with Mid America for the next two years. He is hoping, they have

gone back and done some things to the legal part of it that Mr. Bates and maybe he would like to

speak to that.


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Electrical Provider Contract


Mr. Bates said after last week when Mr. Tackett gave him the documents on the renewal with

Mid America he got to looking more closely at them over the weekend and today and actually all

that is being supplied is a new Schedule A and a new Schedule B to our original contract from

2009. He hasn’t reviewed the contract just the Exhibits but the Exhibits have some additional

language in them that were not in the Exhibits from 2009. There were two things that can add to

the cost to the city, add-ons if you will, like transmission charges and things like that and there

was some additional language that he didn’t understand dealing with unregulated meters or some

such thing.


Mr. Tackett said he has an explanation on two of those things. Actually what they did when they

questioned those they went back and he thought there were only two things in there now that are

under question. They moved back the original contract. He thought there were two points left.


Mr. Bates said there is still one potential add on over and above the fixed price under a category

of renewable compliance charges. These are things they can add on: transmission ancillary

capacity, line losses, and delivery. They have been on since 2009 but the new one is including

but not limited to costs associated with renewable portfolio standards or all other environmental

renewable program compliance costs required by the delivery company, state or federal

regulatory agencies based on Mid America’s incurred costs and billed as a separate line item.

That is an add on and he didn’t know what it was.


Mr. Tackett said it is actually what I have been explained it’s the green law. Its taxes since the

2009 contract taxes that the State of Illinois have levied on transmissions. Our power comes

across Ameren lines. Its taxes added on by green law and it amounts to .00018 and that is what

they are talking about there.


Mr. Bates said other than that it seems to be the same program we’ve been on for two years.

There are varying start dates and said to Mr. Tackett that in looking at these properties it’s a

different list than the 2009 contract and you need to make sure those are correct.


Mr. Tackett said one of things if you remember back in the early times the City of Lincoln has

a franchise with Ameren Cilco and those have been removed. Mr. Bates said ok and that is why

they are different. Mr. Tackett said he made sure today they did not have that. Mr. Bates said

this includes all that we want and none of them we don’t. Mr. Tackett said yes sir. Mr. Bates

said he had no quarrel and nothing different than what he said in 2009.


Alderman Tibbs said this is just a two year contract again. Mayor Snyder said yes. Mr. Bates

said to May 2013. Actually all of the properties have different read dates and this is renewing as

of the May read date which some are the 4th, 19th, 18th and all in May but all different dates and

renews from the read date on each account. Mayor Snyder said the estimated savings compared

to where we are now. Mr. Tackett said a little over 22%. Alderman Neitzel asked how much.


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Electrical Provider Contract


Mr. Tackett said over on the sewer side it is a little over $60,000.00.


Mr. Bates said if you want to roll the dice you can with a variable rate and apparently over the

last two years it would have saved you money. He was not advocating that.


Mayor Snyder said they do have a certain savings there. We would need a motion to renew the

agreement with Mid America for the next two years based on the schedules they have provided.


Mr. Bates said if that motion wants to state the fixed price per kilowatt hour is .0382 dollars.

Alderman Neitzel said so moved and Alderman Anderson seconded it. Mr. Tackett said the

price in the contract was good until today at 5:00 p.m. but they’ve agreed to hold it over until

morning to make all the necessary signatures.


City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were nine yeas (Alderman Anderson,

Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel,

Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero nays, and one absent

(Alderman Busby); motion carried.


Mayoral Appointments to Boards and Commissions


Mayor Snyder said he had passed out to their places this evening appointments to two

commissions and a board. His emphasis here was trying to get the planning commission fully

staffed and terms up to date because Mr. Lebegue has some upcoming business for the Planning

Commission. He read the following lists:


Planning Commission term expiring

May 1, 2012

Bob Wood, a returning member


May 1, 2013

David Klug, Ron Keller, John Guzzardo returning members

Robert Combs (bldg inspector for Bloomington) replacing Clara Janet who submitted her



Fire and Police Commission

May 1, 2013

Joe Haning


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Zoning Board of Appeals

May 1, 2012

Laverne (Lou) Tesh replacing Julie Larson who now is a part time employee of the Zoning



May 1, 2015

Jim Drew and Rick Zimmer


Alderman Anderson moved to approve all of the Mayor’s recommendations for terms of

the Planning Commission, Fire and Police Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals and

Alderman Horn seconded it. City Clerk Mrs. Martinek called the roll call. There were nine yeas

(Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman

Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero

nays, and one absent (Alderman Busby); motion carried.


Mr. Bates said vote tomorrow.


Alderman Neitzel moved to adjourn and Alderman Anderson seconded it. There were nine yeas

(Alderman Anderson, Alderman Armbrust, Alderman Bacon, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman

Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O’Donohue, Alderman Tibbs, and Alderman Wilmert), zero

nays, and one absent (Alderman Busby); motion carried.


The City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted By:

Risa Riggs

Recording Secretary


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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