

Minutes of the City of Lincoln City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. 



Those present were Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bauer, Alderman Cooper, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O'Donohue, and Alderman Tibbs.  Also present were Street Department Superintendent Mr. Walters,  Fire Chief Miller, and Police Chief Greenslate.  Also present were Mayor Snyder, City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach, City Administrator Mr. Johnson, City Treasurer Mr. Conzo, and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs.  



Mayor Snyder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach called the roll call.  There were eight Aldermen present (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bauer, Alderman Cooper, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O'Donohue and Alderman Tibbs) and none absent.



Mayor Snyder led the Pledge of Allegiance.



Public Participation:


There was no Public Participation.



2014-2015 Snow and Ice Control Policy:


City Administrator Mr. Johnson thanked Street Superintendent Mr. Landers for preparing the Snow and Ice Control Policy.  This policy addresses the areas and the order in which streets, alleys, cul-de-sacs, and city parking lots will be cleaned.  The first areas to be cleaned will be the hospital, nursing homes, senior housing, schools and large employers with multiple shifts.  The second areas to be cleaned will be the residential areas, city parking lots and subdivisions.  The last areas to be cleaned are the dead end streets and alleys. 



Alderman Neitzel thought the residents should move their vehicles off the roadway for the street department, as a courtesy. 



Mayor Snyder said the Alderman should do a ride along with the Street Department when the plowing is in progress.  Alderman Bauer was appreciative of the proactive work on the snow and ice policy. 



Mr. Johnson said they will go over the comments from tonight and will bring it back to the City Council at a later date and it could then be put it on the Agenda to vote on.



Lincoln Depot Site Preparation Bids:


City Administrator Mr. Johnson said the City only received one bid.  The bid was more than 100% higher than the bid should have been and was in the amount of $375,563.00.  His recommendation was to put the rejection of the bid by Halverson Construction Company on the Agenda for Monday, December 1, 2014. 



Mayor Snyder said the Village of Emden decided the cost to move the rail car was too much. 



2015 Insurance Renewals:





City Administrator Mr. Johnson said the savings this year is approximately 15.2%.  The Illinois Municipal League insurance was approximately $100,000.00 higher than Arthur J. Gallagher & Company.  The City will be receiving a grant for approximately $30,000.00 for the safety committee to use for safety and training for employees.   





City Administrator Mr. Johnson said the medical premium is going up 1.9% which is wonderful with most medical insurance doubling in cost.  



Both of these items will be placed on the Consent Agenda for Monday, December 1, 2014. 



Pulaski and Kickapoo Decorative Lighting Analysis


City Administrator Mr. Johnson said LED lights seem to be the way everyone is going.  Alderman O'Donohue said he thought the future is LED.  Alderman Anderson said they have to look at the savings in the long run.  A separate agenda item will be on the Agenda for Monday, December 1, 2014 for the LED lighting. 



2015 Council Meeting and Holiday Schedules:


Mayor Snyder said Mrs. Gehlbach put together the traditional Council Meeting Schedule.  He has spoken with City Attorney Mr. Bates and City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach about taking some breaks over the summer.  It was decided to eliminate the following dates: June 23, 2015, July 28, 2015, and August 25, 2015.  The December 15th meeting will become the voting session with no committee of the whole meeting.  A special meeting could be held prior to the voting session. 



Closures for the 2014 Holiday: City Hall will close all day Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and will close at noon on New Year's Eve.  City Hall will be closed all day on New Year's Day.



Mayor's letter to County Board:


   RE:  Safety Complex lease amount


Mayor Snyder said the lease amount will change each year according to the CPI but the County has now come and said they are increasing the rent by 16%. Mayor Snyder was going to send back to the County Board that they are going to pay according to the lease agreement but at the beginning of January they will increase the amount by 1.7%.  The city put the 1.7% into their budget for this fiscal year. 



Safe Routes to School Program:


Mayor Snyder said the City went out for the safe routes to school program but were denied any funds.



Heritage Packaging Annexation Ordinance:


City Administrator Mr. Johnson said the Ordinance for the Annexation by Heritage Packaging is ready and will be placed on the Agenda on Monday, December 1, 2014.



Update on Agreement with ComEd for 3rd Street Facility:


City Administrator Mr. Johnson is still looking over the agreement and will bring to the City Council at the December 9, 2014 Committee of the Whole meeting.  A meeting was held with the Street Department and Farnsworth Engineering.  The site plans are currently being worked on. 



Discussion on Approval of Property Tax Levy (Oral Report):


City Treasurer Mr. Conzo said there will be a public hearing prior to the voting meeting on December 15, 2014.  The Tax levy will have to be published in the newspaper prior to the pubic hearing.  Alderman O'Donohue felt the City should leave the Levy as it is.  Alderman Neitzel agreed with Alderman O'Donohue.  Alderman Anderson concurred and felt leaving it as it is and the City is ahead of the game without having to raise the tax amount.  The levy amount will stay the same as last year. 



Appointment of David Sielaff to Police Pension Board:


Mayor Snyder requested the appointment of David Sielaff to the Police Pension Board to be on the Consent Agenda for Monday, December 1, 2014.



Other discussion/informational items:


Fire Chief Miller said training and preparation with the Fire Department along with the County Health Department and the EMA have been working on a policy for Ebola response. 



City Administrator Mr. Johnson said the public safety committee met tonight, November 25, 2014.  The committee met with FMG Architects this evening and are looking to bring information in December or January.   Alderman Hoinacki said the committee wants to keep moving the project along. 



Mayor Snyder requested the Aldermen make their selections for Citizen of the Year for each Ward. 



Mayor Snyder handed out a letter from Comcast indicating their price increases. 



Mayor Snyder said he handed out a brochure to the Aldermen regarding the Lincoln Funeral Train which will have a steam locomotive and the City of Lincoln is hoping to get the train to stop here in Lincoln. 



Alderman O'Donohue will give a presentation on the Tourism Board on December 1, 2015.



Executive Session: 




The Executive Session was not held. 



Upcoming Meetings:


Council:                          Monday, December 1, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.                      


Committee of Whole:     Tuesday, December 9, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.



Alderman Neitzel made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Tibbs seconded it.  There were eight yeas (Alderman Anderson, Alderman Bauer, Alderman Cooper, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Neitzel, Alderman O'Donohue and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays and none absent; motion carried.



The City of Lincoln Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Risa Riggs, Recording Secretary



Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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Lincoln, Illinois 62656



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