
Minutes of the City of Lincoln City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 15, 2015. 

Those present were Alderman Bauer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Mourning, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs, one seat vacant and one absent (Alderman Parrott).  Also present were Street Department Superintendent Mr. Landers, Fire Chief Miller, Building and Safety Officer Mr. Lebegue, EMC Manager Mr. Ferguson, and Police Chief Adams.  Also present were City Administrator Mr. Johnson, City Clerk Mrs. Gehlbach, and City Treasurer Mr. Conzo.  

Mayor Pro Tem Neitzel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  There were six Aldermen present (Alderman Bauer, Alderman Hoinacki Alderman Horn, Alderman Mourning, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs), one seat vacant and one absent (Alderman Parrott).

Acting Mayor Neitzel led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Acting Mayor Neitzel announced that City Attorney Mr. Blinn Bates was not able to attend the meeting. 

Presentation by Together for Lincoln

Mr. Norm Newhouse said it was never the intention to do Together for Lincoln this long.  He started looking at one last project and it was decided to build a pavilion at Ray White Park.  It will be 24 X 40 and with a concrete floor.  He said they would like to begin the next day with the project.  The project will be finished on Sunday, September 27, 2015. 

Alderman Mourning thanked Mr. Newhouse and those who helped with the Together for the Lincoln. 

Public Participation:

Mrs. Wanda Rohlfs thanked Alderman Bauer for her comments which answered many questions that she had on the fence code.  She wanted to know about the Rules of Order where it talks about private companies or partnerships. 

City Administrator Mr. Johnson said this was so businesses could not come in to tell about specials for their company.  This does not include entities that are not for profit such as Logan County Alliance. 

Request to Permit:

Homecoming Decorating on Wyatt Avenue by LCHS Football Boosters

Homecoming Parade by LCHS

Harvest of Talents

Logan County Health Department

These were all placed on the Consent Agenda for Monday, September 21, 2015. 

Logan County Bike Trail Plan Amendment:

Mr. Bret Aukamp said it had been a few weeks since he had been there.  This has been approved by the Logan County Regional Planning Commission and the City of Atlanta for their portion.  This allows the plan to move forward and the City will then proceed as the City of Lincoln has the money.   Mr. Aukamp would like to see the trail up to Kickapoo Park be the first part.  Alderman Bauer wanted to see cohesion between the City and County.  Mr. Aukamp said a plan is in place and they can take small steps to get the process going.  Alderman Hoinacki asked to place this on the Regular Agenda for Monday, September 21, 2015. 

Ordinance: Amending City Code for Fence Requirement:

Building and Safety Officer Mr. Lebegue said the fence requirement code has been amended and did not see any other issues.  Alderman Bauer said there are fence issues within her Ward and a lot must have gotten an okay to change the setback.  Mr. Landers said 3 feet would be better than 6 inches and it would be better for them plowing the alleys. Alderman Tibbs did not have a problem with the requirement.  The existing fences are grandfathered in.  Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Bauer were all in favor of 3 feet.   It was agreed to change the Ordinance to 3 feet. 

This will be placed on the agenda for Monday, September 21, 2015. 

Ordinance: Borrowing of Funds for the Purchase of Various Equipment:

The total cost for the Fire Department rescue vehicles, two replacement Police vehicles, and a Spray Patching unit for the Street Department would be $216,979.66.  Two quotes were received with one being and the other from State Bank of Lincoln.  State Bank of Lincoln came in with the lowest rate of 2.75%.  The repayment will be through the Equipment Replacement Fund.  The City of Lincoln will make payments through the Equipment Replacement Fund.  The City of Lincoln must approve an Ordinance allowing the borrowing of funds under 65 ILCS 5/8-1-3.1.

Resolution: Establishing a Salary for the Deputy Police Chief:

City Administrator Mr. Johnson said that the City of Lincoln has to set the wages for the Deputy Police Chief.  The salary of $68,870.00 will be the salary which was the salary when Police Chief Adams came on as Deputy Chief. 

School Resource Officer Agreement – Lincoln Police Department and Lincoln Community High School:

Each year school year the City of Lincoln has School Resource Officer, Tim Butterfield and the City of Lincoln enters into an agreement with Lincoln Community High School.  The school pays half of Officer Butterfield’s salary and the City pays the other half with each half being $26,604.00.  On the days the school is closed Officer Butterfield either uses personal days or works in the police department.  During the summer months Officer Butterfield is in a patrol car. 

Waiver of Conflict of Interest for Enterprise Zone Ordinance Review:

City Attorney Mr. Blinn Bates represents other municipalities in the Enterprise zone and the City of Lincoln needs to do a waiver of Conflict of Interest to allow Mr. Bates to enter into discussions for the Enterprise Zone. 

It was agreed to place this on the Consent Agenda for Monday, September 21, 2015. 

City of Lincoln Rules of Order for Meetings of the City Council:

The Rules of Order are set to allow people to speak at the City Council meetings.  These rules are currently being used but this sets the rules for speaking at the City of Lincoln Council meetings. 

City Hall Recycling Contract – Area Disposal:

Midwest Fiber, Inc. has offered to continue their services at a price of $30.00 per service for the first 65 gallon container plus a fuel charge.  Area Disposal was contacted and they will do a 90 gallon container for this service at $18.00 per month and the contract is for 36 months. 

New Hire Confirmation – Police Department:

Police Chief Adams would like to hire Brandon Berkley, as a police officer who is first on the list by the Fire and Police Commission.  This was already approved and they were just keeping the Lincoln City Council up to date.  

Declaration of Surplus Property:

Police Chief Adams said the department would like to sell a 1998 Ford Crown Victoria.  City Administrator Mr. Johnson said this would require an Ordinance. 

Municipal Aggregation Update – Oral Reporting Only:

City Administrator Mr. Johnson said they have heard that Ameren may be raising their rates in October and the City of Lincoln and other municipalities are looking to see if the rates can be lowered. 

Appointment of Acting Mayor:

City Administrator Mr. Johnson asked to place this on the Agenda for Monday, September 21, 2015. 

Other Discussion:

Alderman Mourning said this weekend is a very busy weekend for Lincoln.  There will be the Railsplitter Festival, Woofstock at Latham Park and the Soccer tournament will be played this weekend. 

Possible Executive Session:             

There was no Executive Session.    

Upcoming Meetings:

Council: Monday, October 5, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.     

Committee of Whole:     Tuesday, October 13, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.

Alderman Tibbs made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Horn seconded it.  There were six ayes (Alderman Bauer, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Horn, Alderman Mourning, Alderman Neitzel, and Alderman Tibbs), zero nays, one seat vacant and one absent (Alderman Parrott); motion carried.

The City of Lincoln Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Risa Riggs

Recording Secretary 


Information is available on the following sites:
Logan County Current Statistics

Memorial Health System  - Includes daily statistics for MHS and a COVID-19 Risk Screening

Local Business Resources
Logan County Department of Public Health
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



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