Minutes of the City of Lincoln City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, January 9, 2018.

Mayor Goodman called the regular City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. There were six Aldermen present (Alderman Bauer, Alderman Browne, Alderman Hoinacki, Alderman Keller,Alderman Parrott and Alderman Welch) and two (Alderman Hoefle and Alderman Hom) absent. Also present were City Street and Alley Superintendent Mr. Landers, Police Chief Adams, American Water Mr. Ferguson, City Building and Safety Officer Mr. Woodhall, and Fire Chief Miller. Also present were Mayor Goodman, City Treasurey Mr. Conzo, City Clerk Mrs. Bateman and Recording Secretary Mrs. Riggs.

Mayor Goodman led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Participation:

The member of CEO are CEO group was present to discuss how the CEO program works. They are trying to recreate what they are doing. They are putting on an event called trivia night and sports tournament. This is to get the community out to learn about the CEO program. This is for the entire Logan County area. They get sponsors to help with the lanyards and they also are looking for assistance with the cost of the two events that they are putting on. They are asking for the City of Lincoln to sponsor.

An Ordinance authorizing and prov iding for the issuance of not to exceed $3,300,000.00 aggregate principal amount General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2018 of the City of Lincoln, Logan Countv. Rlinois, and for the levv of a direct annual tax suffic ient topav the principal of and interest on said bonds:


City Treasurer Mr. Conzo said this is a parameter ordinance and this has been discussed previously.

Mr. John Bernardi was present to discuss the long term rating is A+/Stable and this will be used to go out for the bond. Interest rates were 2.5% in September, today it is 2.55% and he expects the rates will be approximately 3%.

Alderman Hoinacki asked to have this on the agenda for Monday, January 16, 2018.

Crawford, Murphy & Tilly -Presentation of Sewer Rates for Long Term Control Plan Projects:


Christy Crites and Shannon Brady were present to discuss the Facility Plan Update.

Lincoln, Hlinois

City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting January 9, 2018

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The approved LTCP schedule is the following: Begin Union Street Pump Station Design (8/1/17), begin CSO Improvements Design (1/1/18), begin Union Street Pump station

construction {1/1/19), complete Union Street pump station construction {5/1/20), begin CSO Improvements Construction (10/1/19), and complete CSO improvements construction. The Project cost estimation: Total Annual loan payback for both projects range beginning in 2019 ($1,200,000 to $1,400,000. This will be dependent upon loan interest rate and final project cost. Rate Increase Options: Flat rate blanket increase:To accommodate the two projects and no increase in commercial rates: each residential bill would increase from $19.00 per month to

$43.00 per month.vs.Usage based on rate structure consisting of sewer connection fee (base rate) or $/unit of water consumed (1 unit = 100 gallons). Residential (IEPA) affordability to pay is 1.5% median household income for sewer bill to pay is $53.13 per month vs.USEPA states that affordability for residents to pay 2% median household income per month would be $70.83 per month.

Alderman Bauer said abase and usage fees. City Clerk Mrs. Bateman said they are getting ready to go live with the sewer office.

Crawford, Mumhv & Tilly - Update of 5th Street Land Acquisition

Mr, Stan Hanson was present to update the land acquisition of 40 parcels with only 17 have approved. The settlement isjust under $210,000.00. Two land owners want

There will be 5 roads that will be closed to through traffic. They may work on the ditches and sewers. 2 parcels agreed to the amount that was offered.

Farnsworth - Uodate Progress of Paver Program

Mr. Gary Davis with Farnsworth said the draft reports have been done and a review of the program and would show. They could meet on January 23, 2018.

Status of Acquisitions: a. 40 Parcels Total to be Acquired, b. 17 Parcels Agreed to Settlement Amount (11 Recorded), c. 4 Additional Parcels close to Settlement, d. Current Total Estimated Acquisition Amount - $208,385.

Ongoing Coordination Activities of Parcels to be Acquired: a. Staking of proposed right-of-way acquisition limits, b. Concerns with access and staging during construction, c. Requested additional drainage improvements, d. Future access accommodations, e. Transaction documents for acquisition

  1. f. Pending counter-offers, g. Limited communications,

State Fiscal Year Letting based on Schedule of Acquisitions: a. ROW Ce11ified approximately 75 days in advance of letting, b. Completion of all remaining parcels in 2018, c. Possible bid dates (subject to program availability), i. March 8, 2019, ii. April 26, 2019 and d. Confirmation of inter­ agency agreements and funding status.

Motor Fuel Tax fMFTJ Invoice #194193 from Farnsworth Group

Street Superintendent Mr. Landers said there was a bill (invoice #194193). The City has previously utilized the services of the Farnsworth Group for general administration of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. On August 7, 2017; the City Council had adopted Resolution No. 2017-348 regarding the use of MFT funds. (A copy of the Resolution is attached for City Council review). Farnsworth Group has offered to cover the cost ofthe restoration and seeding covered in the contract with Kinney Contractors to the amount of $5,610.00. If approved the City would deduct this amount from the invoice in question of $38,728.70, bringing the total payout for the MFT invoice to $33,118.70.

Alderman Hoinacki asked to have this on the agenda.

Fast Track Demolidon of 1 311Broadway Street

Safety and Building Officer Mr. Woodhall said this has been recommended for fast track demolition under the FY 201712018 budget is 1311 Broadway Street. The property owner has shown to be unresponsive to many years of ordinance violations. The house has been vacant for 3 years. There are several breaches in the structure allowing feral animal activity to take place. The rear shed is full of waste and rubbish and is inimmediate danger of collapse. There are several large trees that are dead and in danger of falling onto neighboring properties. A vacant home of this nature poses a danger to the neighborhood and is the type of dangerous building that should be addressed by the fast track demolition process.

Alderman Bauer asked to have this on the agenda for January 16, 2018.

An Ordinance Adopting A Policy Prohibi ting Sexual Harassment For The City Of Lincoln,Illinois):


Mayor Goodman said that the City has a policy in the handbook but all municipalities are required to have on in effect.

This will be placed on the agenda for Tuesday, January 16, 2018..

Other Discussion:


Mayor Goodman reminded everyone that the next meeting is on Tuesday night instead of Monday due to the Martin Luther King holiday.

Alderman Bauer asked if the City would sponsor the CEO program in the amount of $1,000.00, This was originally a three year commitment of $1,000.00 per year. Her initial questions was if the City would sponsor the CEO program as a part of Lincoln High School and Logan County.

Alderman Bauer would like to have the answer to that as well as to support the Brains and Brawn weekend and asked where the funds would come from.

City Treasurer Conzo said there is money budgeted in the Mayor's line and it would not require a vote. Alderman Welch asked if the money went to the Chamber of Commerce.Mayor Goodman said that they Chamber was a part of originally. City Clerk Mrs. Bateman said she would have to check into it but she thought it went to the Chamber. Mayor Goodman said it was part of the Doolin Foundation and that the CEO program receives the money from the City of Lincoln.

Executive Session:

Therewas no Executive Session.

Upcoming Meetings:

City Council: Tuesday,January 16, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

Committee of Whole:       Tuesday, November 23,2018 at 7:00 p.m.

Alderman Parrott made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Browne seconded it. There were five (Alderman Hoefle, Alderman Hom, Alderman Keller, Alderman Parrott and Alderman Welch) and three absent (Alderman Bauer, Alderman Browne and Alderman Hoinacki) motion carried.

The City of Lincoln Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourned at 8:11p.m. Respectfully submitted,

Risa Riggs Recording Secretary